Nov 26, 2012

My Girl Loves Shoes

Today I'm writing all about my baby girl! Get ready for some mama pride! ☺

This girl couldn't have been better suited to me than if I'd custom ordered her myself... wait... if I had that option I might have asked for a volume reduction on her screams... just sayin'!
Anywho... after two cute as buttons (but rough and tumble) boys I felt so delighted and blessed to be given a daughter. A daughter who is a mama's girl through and through. This mama is tickled pink about that if you can't tell! She is all girl too. Who else could pull off that above adorable albeit bright outfit?

Yep... that's my dirty van!
You can read here about my take on raising daughters to be homemakers. I take my job seriously but there is a fun and light side to being a girl that I like to put emphasis on too. She adores getting her toe nails painted and enjoys girly things like jewelry, clothing, and... yep, you guessed it! Shoes! She likes shoes! She picked out these adorable zebra print and glittery sandals this summer for herself.

Oops! Guess we forgot the clothes!
Ella can be caught wearing shoes at almost every moment (but when she isn't, you can bet she's left a trail of shoes she was wearing around the house!). She loves digging through my shoes and doesn't always have a preference for them to be matching. Above she is wearing a pair of my sandals while tempting fate with the kitty. The poor kitty was so patient though and didn't even leave a scratch!

Check out her sassy look!
This little princess (mama in training!) can even be caught sporting her brothers' shoes! She isn't super picky about which ones she has on but she loves to try them all on. Again... that trail thing... We go on a lot of shoe hunts around our home!

Shhh... don't tell! I got her a cute princess dress for dress-up as a Christmas gift (like this one) and a matching pair of dress up heals (like these) to go with it. I am so excited because I know she is going to LOVE this present!

Miss Ella is two years old. She has an army of baby dolls but the one pictured in her stroller is the only one she accepts as her own and calls her "my baby." She would love it if I'd let her sip on milk all day. Not potty trained yet but we're planning to work on that once we get settled (we're moving!). She enjoys playing with her brothers, watching silly movies, and reading books with her father.

While we encourage dress up play and her enjoyment of girly things like nail polish and jewelry, we are training up a future woman (wife, mother, daughter of the King) and my example to her is very important in her upbringing. We (me and her dad) have put a lot of time into discussing modesty and I am attempting to model for her what a modest lady looks like. I see no reason to wear anything I wouldn't want my daughter to wear. I'll be featuring outfits I wear (everyday and Sunday clothing) that will be posted on Feminine Friday.

Linked up at: 
The Modest Mom: Modest Monday Link Up
The Better Mom: Better Mom Mondays Link-up
Raising Homemakers: Homemaking Linkup
Deep Roots at Home: Encourage One Another Link-Up

1 comment:

  1. Miss Ella is so cute!! You are a blessed Mama!! Thanks for sharing :-)


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