Nov 5, 2011

Time to Fall Back

Its that time of the year! Don't forget to turn your clocks back one hour tonight before you go to bed so you aren't late to church tomorrow!

Tonight we are probably heading out after dinner to do some grocery shopping, visit the library, and grab dessert while the kiddos play at the indoor playground at McDonald's. This means that I need to work out a menu and shopping list before dinner. Recently I made a Microsoft Excel file that includes at least a month worth of dinner ideas so I don't even have to think. Which is good since my boys took about a ten minute nap before emerging from their rooms full of energy and ready to destroy play. I barely had a second to breathe, let alone work out my menu! Saturdays Casey gets off work earlier than weekdays so I am thrilled to have a "shorter" day too.

An extra hour of sleep will be wonderful in the morning when we are getting up to prepare for going to church. I hope that the kids aren't up at 6am but it wouldn't surprise me. They seem to have built in alarm clocks that are always set for "way too early o'clock." Hopefully you can enjoy your extra hour of sleep!
♥ Shari

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